“Ubugirigiri bugira babiri”

An active member of BCAC is any person who upon reading the bylaw of the association, complete the admission form(in print or online) and receives a written  mail or email confirmation  of approval from the board.

To be an active member, please complete the registration form below


 An active member :

  1. Have all rights and privileged described in the bylaw.
  2. Actively participates in the association.
  3. Pays membership fees regularly.
  4. Can cast a vote to elect any leadership position within the association
  5. Can present his/her  nomination for a leadership position within the association

Membership Types

Memberships types of BCAC? BCAC is comprised of three types of members:

Non active member:

Any individual of Burundian origin by citizenship or by adoption. The individual holds no obligation nor responsibility in the organization and can participate in meetings as an observer

Active member:

Any registered member of Burundian origin by citizen or by adoption, who actively participates in the association, pays membership fee, can vote or present their nomination for any leadership position within the association

Honorary member:

Any individual who supports the organization regardless of residence or citizenship and can participate in meetings as an observer. Honorary membership is subject to conditions.

You can download, print, complete and send one of the form, in .pdf format, below at bcacalgary.info@gmail.com